Continuous Deployment

I have been hearing a lot recently about continuous deployment especially in the context of building a lean startup, so I decided to try and get one of my projects running with continuous deployment.

Here’s what I learned today:

  1. Travis CI is an open source tool for continuous integration and deployment.

  2. There are several steps to setting up your project with Travis CI:

    • The getting started guide does a good job explaining the basics.

    • For my project, I needed to make a few customizations the biggest one was creating a test database that my test could use. Here is my .travis.yml:

               language: ruby
               - 2.0.0
               - DB=postresql
               - bundle exec rake db:test:prepare --trace
               - bundle exec rspec
               - psql -c 'create database my_app_test;' -U postgres 
  3. Travis CI integrates nicely with Heroku, so that your code be deployed after a successful build. I was having some problems deploying using Anvil, so I switched to using git. Here is what I added to my .travis.yml for deploying to Heroku:

       provider: heroku
         secure: encrypted-key
       strategy: git
       app: epicodus-qa
       run: "rake db:migrate"
